Sunday, May 08, 2005

Ode to the Year

Just took my first final of the semester. It was completely ridiculous. List this, this, that, two alternative ideas for this and that. Ugh....seriously, a ONE credit class should NOT be this much work.

Tomorrow's the day of hell. Philosphy final that results in 40% of my grade. Seriously, kill me. I love philosophy but anyone who makes an exam 40% of the grade is attempting to kill their students. At any rate, I'm having a study session with some friends tonight and then I'm sure I'll be up quite late consuming all of this information.

Went out for dinner with Mary Jane. God, I'm gonna miss that girl over the summer and next year. With her living in the sorority house and me living with my friends on Dayton, it's just not conducive to hanging out whenever I want like it is in the dorms. And for that matter, How am i going to live an entire summer without her?! I'll never forget our library dates, starbucks visits, and late night sessions of INTENSE SATC!!! Including my favorite episode, "aw, baby thats so sweet." (i'm still rolling on the floor laughing!)

For that matter, I'm going to miss ALL of my friends--Some of which will be living next door next year, but THANK GOD for his little mysterious ways of putting us all together. Not that I necessarily believe it was an act of God, but just that I mean it was an extreme coincidence. (oh christ, listen to me sitting here trying to justify what I'm saying!) Ladies, you're great friends and I expect to hear from you over the summer! Let the good times roll...

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