Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Between Thoughts

What happened to those moments between thoughts and between the monotony of life...? Those when you can just "be"? I wonder with our society set up the way it is these days if we even stop to wonder about life's little mysteries and little beauties. I often am guilty of this as well, but how often do we stop to look at the leaf that blows in the air as it is just "being" and revelling in the beauty around it. The crazed character in American Beauty noticed it, why doesn't everyone else? The cliche rose, the one that your now love who soon will not be gave you...the beauty you see in it, though seen by most of the world based on cultural norms...what about it is so beautiful? What sets it apart from something else so that you can call it beautiful? Why is it the rose that you look at and not the lily or iris? When those flowers sit on the table and you say they are beautiful, do you say this because you just "know" that they are beautiful? or did you really sit there, gaze at them and decide that because of its form, its structure, was it then that you noticed its beauty?
America's so busy with their daily routine that we miss the between thought moments and breaking everything down into its simplist form to view the beauty then. Something so hideously ugly or normal can have beautiful grace, form, and structure. Janie's boyfriend wasn't really all that crazy, just had better perspective than the rest of the world. Something so simple as a leaf blowing in the air on a day when it's minutes away from snowing is remarkably beautiful...

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