Saturday, March 11, 2006

Movies, Movies, Watch all about it!

I'm crushing. I'm gushing. I'm... laughing my ass off at how ridiculous that sounds. Nonetheless, I'm comfortable with crushing. and gushing. (Note to self: again, ridiculous.) I'm flying high on mere thoughts.
I've known you for years and have had a childhood crush on you since...but since I had lost contact with you for a few years, things seemed to subside and there was no thought of even the possibility of you. I've always thought your allure was spectacular and the way you speak; I get so excited listening to you talk. We talk about everything and anything and none of it seems strange. It's so...comfortably sexy. You're so beautifully sexy. [Pan onto picture of planner on desk].

I love stability, I love order, I love that safe feeling of someone who can complete that. I adore you. I love your little quirks, the way you make everything fun and exciting. The way that coffee turns into a movie, which turns into cute. [PAN CAMERA LEFT TO RIGHT THROUGH SMALL FRENCH-STYLE COFFEE SHOP, SMALL MOVIE THEATER, SMALL BISTRO STYLE RESTAURANT, LIGHTING IS DIM.]

If I don't see you this week, I might not know what to do with myself...

Ok. That's enough of me sounding like a little school girl full of emotions.

[Enter Reality.]

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