Angry Black White Boy.
"Oh, what's that about?" "It's the story of a boy, Macon, who goes to Columbia, gets a job driving a taxicab around NY, and robs his passengers."
"So, he's black...?"
End of story.
Seriously. No exaggerations. I can't quite think of what to say to that sort of thing. Macon's the boy trying to change our society, trying to build the bridge between two differing cultures. But why are they split in the first place? Melting pot, we are not...
Novel Progress: Nonexistent.
Days until school starts again: Not Enough.
Times I've checked my away message in the last 30 seconds: ~7
(A true addict...)
Times I put on moisturizer today: 3.
Today: Christmas Day, The First day of Hannukah.
Times I got thanked to play in church today: 5.
Times I've been visibly bitten in the past week: 3.
Number of times my cell phone rang today: Once.
Minutes I've spent looking at my frozen ipod: at least 40. (Anyone know how to restart?)
Glasses of some sort of alcoholic beverage today: 4. (Two hot, Two iced).
This Christmas.
"Last Christmas I gave you my heart..."
I remember sewing buttons on your pants last christmas because they had popped off. That sticker you put on your nose from the blue GAP polo that I gave you with the inspector number, I still remember just how it looked and how you were laughing. I remember drinking Mom's famous hot rum cider mixture and sitting with my family by our christmas tree. You and I were up later than everyone else. The late night tree and the flickers of sparks from the still new relationship. That awful hat that I hated. The grey one you always wore for your late night study sessions or early in the morning when you would bike off to class.
This Christmas?
"Maybe this Christmas/will mean something more/maybe this year/love will appear/deeper than ever before"
Visions get into my head and I can't seem to get them out. The video clips are still playing. The written stories keep getting more elaborate in my head. The same clip keeps going on over and over. Over and over. The same christmas tree and the conversations going back and forth in my head. Why did looking at the alter in Faith Lutheran this morning make me think of what my marriage would be like? Why? This time, something's different. I've never thought of what my marriage would be like. Hell, I've prided myself for years on thinking that I'll never even get married. Why is it now that I can picture the whole thing happening?
Sunday, December 25, 2005
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Hey, hold down the play and menu buttons for 3 or 5 seconds or somrthing like that to reset your iPod.
~A friend of a friend, but I'm your friend too! Try to guess who!
oh do tell...
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