Friday, April 22, 2005


Yes, I've found the band of the moment: Death Cab for Cutie

I seriously adore them. The lyrics are gorgeous, the music behind it is near perfection. Musically speaking, they've interpreted their own lyrics well and exceptionally play this out through the musicality. As always, I'm very impressed with their work on the album Transatlanticism. Gorgeously done my boys.

Favorite songs? Tiny Vessels, We Looked like Giants, and The New Year.

I know I've mentioned them before...and other songs for that matter, but these are my updated current favorites. :-)

The next couple of weeks are going to be damn busy! Studying for an IMPOSSIBLE, yes thats right, IMPOSSIBLE philosophy final, writing a paper/website...uh, what?!...for my STUPID geology class, finishing up my english paper and perfecting that to my liking. The rest can wait for a little bit until I feel adequately on my feet in the above mentioned courses.

As for life? Eh, not so great. Being busy and sleep deprived really gets to me. I'm looking forward to a summer of reading, working, job searching, and hanging out with my friends. Getting ready for the apartment is seriously going to take me all summer cause I'm just that disorganized usually (ha) and moving back home for the next couple of months is going to KILL me. What the hell am I supposed to do in this town?! (trust me, i'm NOT laughing on this one...) I guess lots of nights at Starbucks with my coffee and book are going to be the ticket.

Now, I know there are some of you who are expecting me to have all the insight in the world right now, and trust me, I'm becoming one of those ants i'm writing my paper on (see Waking Life) and am a little preoccupied with myself currently. Shannon especially, I know i've been depriving you of your daily Kitten readings, but hun, I'll see you in May and what the hell are we going to talk about it I discuss all of it with you now?! My advice? Start reading up on your Philosophy because kitten definately wants to discuss it--with anyone and everyone!
I'm leaving you all with a challenge. Give me an interesting problem to solve or start thinking about in the next couple of weeks and I'll post my own thoughts soon enough. Example? "How do you feel about the existence of God? How can we "know" that he exists or doesn't? " (PS-Example does not mean ASK me that question...) Shannana--I especially hope to hear a few questions from you. Maybe I can give you some reading suggestions!!!

the fans--i love you.

1 comment:

Kitten said...

Lace--that's an awesome comment and I totally agree with you. Have you taken philosophy? You should, I love it! My TA's a bitch and the class is graded difficultly, but it's fun to read the information and come up with ideas from it (like the one you just proposed!) Try it babe, bet you'll like it. ;-) and I damn well better talk to you soon!