Tuesday, July 17, 2012

c'mon love, love.

Watch me fall apart....

Even 0:20 sec. into the song and I've given up.  He's simply stunning.  Uh, musically ladies, come now.  The first time through, all I could do was listen to the music.  The way the notes come with easy placement, without hesitation, a simplification of all things that should be more complicated.  Its perfectly meshed together with ease-filled transitions, progressions that make sense and leave you wanting more.  The next note hangs in the balance of your life forever until the next note calms you and your breath slows.  Artfully done, Mr. Howard.  Artful. I can feel the beating heart in the music, the breath behind the music that eases through Howard's hands and into the guitar, feeding nourishment through the notes.

Second time through and all I can watch is his face. Oh god, that face.  The story's right there, written all across the curves of his cheekbones and the curve of his lips.  Call me a crazy MF, but watch his eyebrows.  Everything's hidden behind that one expression in the music. Carefully tucked away. Don't get me started on his hair either.

Third time through....Dude, what can I say I'm obsessive.  If I like it, it gets analyzed, pulled apart in every way until I just can't anymore.  It's simply the way I operate.  It makes life way easier for me.  Or complicated, but it works for me.  So, we were saying....ah yes, third time.  Watch his hands.  Delicately placed on the neck, picking each note.  He could do this in his sleep he's so comfortable.  And comforting, did I mention that? It's the perfect "I get lost in this moment" except it's not a moment lost in time, it's continuous from start to end.  There's a space of openness that I could swim in starting, like here from 3:55 to 4:30. Dive in at 3:55, Arms first.

(yeah, you saw that correctly.  Two versions. Same song. Hello, he performs live?! AND it's done that well? SWOON.)

 That rich, full sound I'd like to dream upon, floating outside of my body as the music takes over every emotion and particle of my being. I'm paralyzed in the music and can find no way out until 4:56 hits. 
